Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moton ... digital bootlegs of vinyl bootlegs...

Moton Records started putting out edits of "dubious legality" in 2001 or so. I have the first 13 of them but kind of fell off the bus after I started doing my own music. These records are so mysteriously labeled... i.e.... hardly any info whatsoever and there's no info about those behind the edits and/or release on Moton's vinyl. They basically take the diy/no ego involved/ permanently and purposely ridiculously underground thing to the fullest extent. Funny because almost every person I know who has started djing within the last 5 years or so is the exact opposite and is busy trying to spastically shout there name from the highest mountains of the interwebs. These guys... Jarvis and Diesel are from the U.K. (obviously) and apparently live in a cave deep beneath the White Cliffs of Dover.. or something.


Here are two cuts from Moton 4

Well, Have a Nice Day-King Errisson-MTN4


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